Welcome to CUPE 523!

CUPE 523 has three Community Social Services Units, three School District Units, and one Transportation Unit.

Our Community Social Service Units are:

  • Turning Points Collaborative Society – Vernon
  • North Okanagan Youth and Family Services Society  – Vernon
  • Summerland Community Support – Summerland

Our School District Units are:

  • Okanagan Similkameen (School District #53)
  • Okanagan Skaha (School District #67)
  • North Okanagan Shuswap (School District #83)

Our Transportation Unit is:

  • Inter-Facility Transport, (IFT)

March 8th General Election Meeting

Saturday, March 8th
Meeting starts at 9:00am
Location: Online on TEAMS.

Agenda Items Include:

 – Executive Elections –

Recording Secretary (2 year term)

Melanie Harriman
Jennifer Harper

Indigenous Representative (2yrs) 

Christen Thompson
Cheri Calvert
Lisa Bennett

 – CUPE BC Convention Delegate Election (4 selected) –
Cheri Calvert, Shawn Melynk, Naomi Etty, Morgan Turland, Val Dean, Jillian Johnston

March 8 Election Meeting Pre-Registration

The CUPE Local 523 General Election meeting will take place Saturday, March 8th 2025, starting at 9:00am. A Link to the meeting will be sent to all email subscribers closer to the date.

At this meeting, an election will be held to elect the positions of Recording Secretary, and Indigenous Workers Representative.

During the meeting, we will be using the Simply Voting platform that we have used in the past, which requires each voter to have their own individual, personal email address. The electronic ballot(s) will be emailed to each member in attendance during the meeting.

To make the process of collecting email addresses during the meeting quicker and more efficient, we’re asking anyone who is planning to attend the meeting to please submit the form below to provide your name and email address in advance. You can either click on the link in this email, or point your smartphone camera at the QR code to access the form.

If you attend the meeting without providing your email address in advance, you WILL be issued a ballot and eligible to vote. You do not need to register in advance to vote. However, it will take additional time during the meeting to collect any email addresses that were not provided in advance.

As a reminder, the CUPE Local 523 bylaws state that you must be in attendance at the meeting when the voting is opened to be eligible to vote. If you provide your email address in advance but do not attend the meeting, you will not be issued a ballot and will not be eligible to vote.

If you do not have your own personal email address, please contact any member of the CUPE 523 executive immediately! Without a personal email address you will not be able to vote in this election. The executive is committed to assisting any members who need help signing up for a free personal email address in advance, but we will be unable to postpone the election for members who arrive without an email address. This is a reminder that you CAN NOT use your employer or school district email address for union business, ballots will not be sent to any employer-controlled addresses.

Please access the form here: https://forms.office.com/r/KqZ9WCRuHy
Or point your smartphone camera at this QR Code:

Retirement Seminar 2025

CUPE 523 is pleased to announce the third year of hosting our local’s retirement Seminar! This year’s dates will be May 28th and 29th, and will be held in Salmon Arm. Further information as to specifics will be made available to all successful applicants as they become available. There are limited spaces available for our event, and ONLY those who fully complete and submit the Retirement Seminar Application (found on the CUPE 523 website under FORMS, or click here) will be considered. A reminder that this is currently available only to members of SD53, SD67, and SD83 as per each unit’s specific collective agreements. Members are entitled to attend the Seminar once in their career, and it is generally suggested that it be taken within 5 years of an anticipated retirement date.

For any further questions, feel free to reach out to your respective Unit Chair, or to the 3rd Vice President at 3vp@cupe523.com. We look forward to seeing you there!