Retirement Seminar 2025

CUPE 523 is pleased to announce the third year of hosting our local’s retirement Seminar! This year’s dates will be May 28th and 29th, and will be held in Salmon Arm. Further information as to specifics will be made available to all successful applicants as they become available. There are limited spaces available for our event, and ONLY those who fully complete and submit the Retirement Seminar Application (found on the CUPE 523 website under FORMS, or click here) will be considered. A reminder that this is currently available only to members of SD53, SD67, and SD83 as per each unit’s specific collective agreements. Members are entitled to attend the Seminar once in their career, and it is generally suggested that it be taken within 5 years of an anticipated retirement date.

For any further questions, feel free to reach out to your respective Unit Chair, or to the 3rd Vice President at We look forward to seeing you there!