Job Evaluation Maintenance Committee

June 27, 2024 – update

Bulletin 14 – Job Evaluation – June 2024

Job Evaluation is an important tool. It is used for measuring work and identifying classification
inequities within and between school districts. The purpose of this provincial job evaluation
project is to make sure that those doing the same jobs are fairly classified across the province. Click on the link above for more information.


Jan.5, 2022

Great progress is being made!
We are very pleased to report that ALL school districts are in progress with provincial job
evaluation work – 97% of school districts are moving through or have completed the job
matching process. The provincial committees set and reached significant goals for the project
throughout 2022 and we anticipate the momentum to carry us throughout the new year. We
continue to project completion of the Provincial Job Evaluation Plan Phase 3 for end of year. A
lot of hard work has been done, and continues, on this important project. Thank you to all the
district joint committees for your continued engagement in the process. We are that much closer
to the finish line because of your dedication and contributions to the process.

Bulletin-11-Job-Evaluation-January-5-2023.pdf (

Job Evaluation Committee – BC Public School Employers’ Association (

Download the Review and Questionnaire Forms


JEMC Procedures are on pages 58 -61  per the K-12 Collective Agreement


The JE plan booklet is available at all worksite.