About CUPE Local 523

Welcome to CUPE Local 523. As a CUPE member, you are part of the largest Union in Canada. CUPE represents workers in health care, public schools, municipalities, libraries, universities, social services, public utilities, transportation, emergency services, and airlines.

CUPE 523 Structure

CUPE 523 has three Community Social Services Units, three School District Units, and one Transportation.

Our Community Social Service Units are:

Our School District Units are:

Our Transportation Unit is:


Union Mailing Address:     

CUPE Local523:  #101 – 416 Westminster Ave. W. Penticton, BC, V2A 1K5

General and Unit Meetings

General Meetings CUPE Local523 holds eight general meetings a year.  Members are encouraged to attend the general meetings.  Meeting notices are posted on CUPE bulletin boards and on our website.

Unit Meetings Each Unit will hold informational meetings throughout the year. Unit members are also encouraged to attend these informational meetings. Meeting notices are posted on CUPE bulletin boards.

Paid Mileage: Members shall be paid mileage to attend general meetings when they are driving two or more other members to the general meeting. (Local Bylaws, Section 4, d)

Child Care Services – Please contact your unit chair 4 days prior to the meeting if child care service is needed for you to attend.

Getting Sworn In (Applying for Membership)

All employees covered by the CUPE Collective Agreement are required to be sworn in as a member as a condition of employment. You can be sworn in at any general meeting.  As a sworn in member, you are guaranteed all the rights and privileges that come with Union membership, including voting rights, the right to strike pay, eligibility for CUPE bursaries available to the children of CUPE members and eligibility for the CUPE Death Benefit Fund or Hardship Fund.


Equality Statement